John Caputo’s Real Estate Activity Books are designed to challenge children to think and to be creative. Children will learn to be considerate of others needs in relation to different types of dwellings and the real estate process.

Benefits of customising one of John Caputo's Activity Books

  1. Helps to build your business profile
  2. Database building through colouring in competitions
  3. You can customise the book with your name or that of your company’s
  4. You can further customise the book with your image throughout the book
  5. Activity books are helpful for keeping your customers children occupied whilst negotiating a deal
  6. You can hand them out to local schools, cafés, restaurants or libraries for further advertising
  7. The books are very interactive and educational
  8. These sort of activities can help to build clients for life, from a young age
  9. The costs of the Activity books are fully tax deductible
  10. Page 18 of the book is designated for testimonials about you or your company you can say what you like to your audience on this page.
  • If you’re still not convinced, please contact John Caputo on +61 433 158 384

See what Real Estate Business Online had to say about John Caputo's Real Estate Activity Books. To read the article, click here.

Meet the author

John Caputo

Screenshot 2013-10-20 00.36.11Since 2001, John 

Caputo has 


committed to the fine art of negotiating real estate transactions  

throughout Perth. He is currently a Director of one of Perth’s leading real estate companies. John is married to Nina Caputo and together they have three children Dante, Rafael and Gabriella.

John Caputo’s real estate activity books are designed to challenge children to think and to be creative. Through John’s innovative, creative, easy to read and follow “real estate activity books” your children will learn some of the roles of a real-estate sales person and to be considerate of others needs in relation to different types of dwellings.